
Ever since 1996, Inform-IT is involved in the exchange of knowledge, experience and opinions on all sorts of IT management topics, often with on-line platforms. However, the most fruitful discussions have always been face-to-face. For that reason, Inform-IT supports ConnectingFriends, the platform for people who understand that improving the world starts with a meeting others.

The network of ConnectingFriends offers you, alone or with your partner, endless opportunities to meet others during your travels. Members are hospitable travelers who welcome each other for a stay in their own home, without financial transactions.

ConnectingFriends.NET offers great opportunities for unexpected encounters and interesting conversations with other members, all around the world.

Everyone with room in their house and in their hart for new contact, ánd willing to contribute to a better world, can join. You pay a small fee of €5 per month to the ConnectingFriends fund, you can propose projects, and you can vote for the projects that will be supported by the fund.  This way the members decide together where there contributions are spent.

Read more about the experiences of other members in the network, and the projects for a better world supported by ConnectingFriends.