About Inform-IT

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Inform-IT is Jan van Bon’s one-man social enterprise, set up as a knowledge organization, with a large network and a focus on developing and sharing practical, applicable knowledge. The image on the right shows the vision, mission, core values, goals and objectives that I apply in Inform-IT and when volunteering for the SURVUZ Foundation.

With Inform-IT, I realize the stated goals as follows:

  • I provide extensive volunteer support to the SURVUZ Foundation in the development and management of the USM methodology
  • with the Knowledge Center, I manage the digital learning environments for business schools at the USM portal
  • I designed the USM training courses and made them available to the SURVUZ Foundation
  • until January 2022, Inform-IT has acted as the Examination Organization for USM exams
  • I regularly publish blogs, articles and books on service management
  • I stimulate knowledge communities
  • I advise and coach organizations that want to improve their service delivery using USM, but never for more than a few hours a month

With complexity reduction, simple logic, a great capacity for abstraction, and a helicopter view as my greatest weapons, I turn complex challenges into simple issues.


The Inform-IT Knowledge Center is not only a producer of knowledge carriers, but also a registered publisher. Sometimes Inform-IT collaborates with other publishers (TSO, VHP, BIM Media) for this purpose. Products are available through regular bookstores (e.g. Managementboek, bol.com, Amazon) and the sites of the cooperating publishers.

Corporate social responsibility

Inform-IT has an active role in social initiatives, as the main sponsor of ConnectingFriends: “a better world starts with people meeting each other”. ConnectingFriends promotes social cohesion and supports projects for a better world.


I founded Inform-IT in 1996 as a one-man business. From 1998 to 2014, I managed Inform-IT as part of HoBoLi Holding. As of 2015, I detached Inform-IT from that holding company again, in order to work more effectively on the future of the Service Management profession. From that time on, developments have been lightning fast.


Contact form
Phone: +31 6 53396570
E-mail: j.van.bon@inform-it.org or janv@nbon.nl
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jvbon

General Terms and Conditions

For all Inform-IT services, general terms and conditions apply.