
Inform-IT produceerde meer dan 80 verschillende boeken, in maximaal 16 talen, met duizenden experts van over de hele wereld. Deze onderwerpen van de boeken zijn steeds zorgvuldig geselecteerd en dienen vooral de verspreiding van kennis en opinies over standaarden en best practices, de toepassing van deze kennis op nieuwe domeinen, en de betere ontsluiting van deze informatie. De reeks omvat o.a. de volgende titels:

  • Demystifying the term PROCES [2022]. Gratis e-book over de 10 eisen waaraan een proces moet voldoen.
  • Handreiking “DIZRA implementeren m.b.v. USM” [2020]. Gratis e-book over de ondersteuning van de netwerkafspraken van DIZRA met USM.
  • Dramadriehoeken in servicemanagement, en hoe ze te vermijden[2018]. Gratis e-boek over slecht ingerichte samenwerkingsverbanden met partijen binnen en buiten de organisatoie.
  • ESM: de nieuwe melkkoe van de toolleverancier [2018]. Gratis e-book met een kritische analyse van ESM-tooling.
  • Enterprise Service Management with USM [2018]. Gratis e-book met een korte introductie to ESM gebaseerd op USM.
  • Laat ITIL 4 slagen met USM [2019] – Het online boek “Laat ITIL slagen met USM” beschrijft de structuur en practices van ITIL 4 vanuit het perspectief van het USM-managementsysteem. Het boek maakt deel uit van de digitale USM-leeromgeving van hogescholen die USM in hun curriculum hebben opgenomen.
  • Laat ITIL v3 slagen met USM [2019]. Het online boek “Laat ITIL v3 slagen met USM” beschrijft de practices van ITIL v3 vanuit het perspectief van het USM-managementsysteem. Het boek maakt deel uit van de digitale USM-leeromgeving van hogescholen die USM in hun curriculum hebben opgenomen.
  • Laat DevOps slagen met USM [2019] – Het online boek “Laat DevOps slagen met USM” beschrijft de practices van DevOps vanuit het perspectief van het USM-managementsysteem. Het boek maakt deel uit van de digitale USM-leeromgeving van hogescholen die USM in hun curriculum hebben opgenomen.
  • Laat ASL en BiSL slagen met USM [2019] – Het online boek “Laat ASL en BiSL slagen met USM” beschrijft de practices van ASL en BiSL vanuit het perspectief van het USM-managementsysteem. Het boek maakt deel uit van de digitale USM-leeromgeving van hogescholen die USM in hun curriculum hebben opgenomen.
  • De USM-methode – versie 2 [2019]. Het meest recente boek over servicemanagementmethoden, met de laatste inzichten. De USM-methode beschrijft een standaard managementsysteem voor iedere serviceorganisatie, ongeacht de discipline. beschikbaar in Nederlands, Engels en Spaans.
  • Een inleiding in USM [2018] – Gratis e-book op USM-portal
  • Leerboek Tekststrategie [2017]. Een praktische, eenvoudig leerbare methode voor tekststrategie. Je leert op een gestructureerde manier nadenken over een tekst, vóór je begint met schrijven.
  • SERVICE RESCUE! An Implementation and Improvement Guide for Incident Management [2015]. SERVICE RESCUE is the first book on Incident Management written from the perspective of a Service Management Architecture. This distinguishes it from any previous publication on this ‘classic’ topic, and offers plenty of very practical guidance in an applicable and generic format for any service organization.
  • Teamleider, wat nu? [2014]. Praktische handleiding voor de beginnende en ervaren teamleider. Inclusief 9 bijhorende managementinstrumenten in Excel, 2 Word-templates en een Outlook-structuur.
  • De FSM-methode [2013]. Het eerste boek over het procesmatig managen van Functioneel beheer, gebaseerd op de ISM-methode. Een methodische aanpak voor het gestandaardiseerd opzetten en beheren van moderne functioneelbeheerorganisaties van ICT-organisaties.
  • ITIL 2011 Pocket Guide [2012]. Een beknopte samenvatting van het volledige 2000 pagina lange ITIL 2011 framework,  nuin slechts 200 pagina’s en in zakformaat. De pocketguide is in de eerste plaats een snelle, draagbare ontsluiting van ITIL voor alle professionals in de servicemanagement-community. Daarnaast kan de ITIL pocketguide worden gebruikt als studieboek voor iedereen die wil gecertificeerd wil worden via voor het ITIL Foundation examen. De pocketguide dekt alle voor dat examen relevante inhoud van de ITIL-boeken.
  • Service Level Management and the Service Manager [2012]. ‘Service Level Management and the Service Manager ‘ is the second book of a series of (initially) six books that provide background considerations, theory, instructions, and practical guidance for setting up organization structures in the context of improvement projects.
  • Designing and Transforming IT Organizations [2012]. There are lots of books about IT Service Management (ITSM), but almost none about the organizational issues of implementation projects. Very little has been published on organization structures, roles, responsibilities, skills and competences, in the field of IT (service) management, to support implementation and organization change projects. With this book, that has changed permanently.
  • Information Security Economics [2011]. ‘Information Security Economics’ explores the economic aspects of information security, whilst explaining how best to work with them, in order to achieve an optimized ROI on security investments.
  • De ISM-methode: verleden, heden, en toekomst van IT-servicemanagement [2010]. Het boek beschrijft een aanpak voor het implementeren van IT-servicemanagement (ITSM), op een eenvoudiger, snellere, goedkopere, en vooral effectievere manier dan met de gangbare frameworks. De ISM-methode is een ‘methode’ in de zin dat het onafhankelijk is van de technologie, organisatie en processen. De ISM-methode beschrijft de structuur en de continue verbetering van een IT-serviceorganisatie, gebaseerd op heldere en erkende paradigma’s.
  • IT Service management – Global Best Practices -Volume I [2008]. This unique guide is written by industry thought leaders giving the inside track on new practices that could radically change IT Service Management in the next few years. IT Service Management Global Best Practices Volume 1 is written by leading experts from many countries (UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Taiwan, Australia, USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Belgium,…
  • Service Strategy Based on ITIL V3: A Management Guide [2008]. A quick, portable reference tool to the standards used within the Service Management community. Not only includes the Lifecycle Approach but in addition covers the processes in a separate section as well. Available in several languages.
  • Service Design Based on ITIL V3: A Management Guide [2008]. The Management Guides are a concise summary of the Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3 . A quick, portable reference tool to the standards used within the Service Management community. Not only includes the Lifecycle Approach but in addition covers the processes in a separate section as well.
  • Service Transition Based on ITIL V3: A Management Guide [2008]. The Management Guides are a concise summary of the Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3 . A quick, portable reference tool to the standards used within the Service Management community. Not only includes the Lifecycle Approach but in addition covers the processes in a separate section as well. What are the key service management processes? What is the lifecycle approach?
  • Service Operation based on ITIL V3 – Management Guides [2008]. Well designed and implemented processes are of little value when the day-to-day fulfilment of these processes is not well organized. Nor are service improvements possible when the day-to-day performance measuring and data gathering activities are not fulfilled systematically during the Service Operation. The goal of Service Operation are to coordinate and fulfil activities and processes…
  • Continual Service Improvement based on ITIL V3 – Management Guides [2008]. IT must continually align and re-align IT services to the changing business needs by identifying and implementing improvements to IT services that support the business. ITIL V3 places this within the lifecycle phase of Continual Service Improvement. An IT service is created by a number of activities. The quality of these activities and the process which links these activities determine…
  • IT Service Management, An Introduction based on ISO20000 and ITIL V3 [2008].  This Introduction to IT Service Management, published by itSMF-I, is based on the latest edition of the ITIL books – Version 3 and is intended to serve as an introduction to both ITIL and ISO20000.
  • ITIL V3 Foundation Exam: The Study Guide [2008]. This title has been officially endorsed by APMG UK. It covers all the material found in the ITIL V3 Foundations Exam. Its 230 pages cover everything you need to know to pass the exam and in addition the Official OGC sample exams are included at the end of each chapter.
  • IT Service Management Best Practices, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 plus Gold edition 2008 [[2004-2008]. Van Haren Publishing [2004-2008]. Hoofredactie. Jaargidsen over de periode 2004-2007, plus Gold Edition 2008. Elk boek bevat 500-600 pagina’s, samengesteld met 50-60 auteurs.
  • Foundations of IT Service Management Based on ITIL® V3 [2007]. Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL has become the industry classic guide on the topic of ITIL. Over the years this authoritative itSMF guide has earned its place on the bookshelves and in the briefcases of industry experts as they implement best practices within their organizations. Available in several languages.
  • ITIL V3: A Pocket Guide [2007]. This really popular pocket guide is a quick, portable reference tool designed for managers, to give an overall picture of the ITIL V3 upgrade. Available in several languages.
  • IT Governance based on COBIT [2007]. Chief editor, with authors Harry Boonen and Koen Brand. A book on the structure of COBIT, from a process perspective.
  • Implementing ISO/IEC 20000 Certification – The Roadmap [2007]. Chief editor. The book on preparing for and achieving an ISO20000 certificate, with several case studies.
  • ISO20000 – An Introduction [2007]. Chief editor. The Introduction of ISO20000, with a reference to all of the related ITIL content. Contains the full text of the ISO20000 standard.
  • Metrics for IT Service Management [2006]. Chief editor. A book on the design and implementation of metrics in service organizations using industry standard frameworks.
  • Six Sigma for IT Management – A Pocket Guide [2006]. Chief editor. A pocket derivative of the Six Sigma guide to IT Service Management.
  • Six Sigma for IT Management [2006]. Chief editor. The book on the application of Six Sigma in combination with ITIL best practice.
  • Frameworks for IT Management [2006]. This title covers the most important frameworks in use, in a neutral and objective way, so that readers can better understand the potential value of each instrument. Each framework is described by a well-known expert in that field, in a structured format, to emphasize the specific characteristics. Available in several languages.
  • ISO20000: A Pocket Guide [2006]. A quick and accessible guide to a universally adopted standard. This standard is based on ITIL which is also very widely known and used. ISO 20000 describes Service Management standards that must be attained for corporate accreditation. Available in several languages.
  • IT Service Management, an introduction based upon ITIL V2 [2005]. This introduction to ITIL V2 Service Support & Service Delivery (and Security mgt) served as a landmark publication form many, as a preparation to their ITIL training. The book supported the globalization of ITIL, and was available in many languages.
  • Official Introduction to ITIL V2 [2005]. This official introduction to ITIL was part of the official set of ITIL publications, published by TSO.
  • IT Service Management – Een Leerboek [2005]. Hoofdredactie en co-auteur. Een studiegids ITSM voor het hoger beroepsonderwijs in Nederland, gebruikt door diverse hbo-instellingen.
  • Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) – A Pocket Guide [2003]. Pocket guide on MOF v3.
  • The Guide to IT Service management, Volume I [2002]. Chief editor an co-author. An 820 page guide to the major developments in the field of ITSM. Only available through POD of Amazon.
  • IT Beheer Jaarboeken 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. Ten Hagen & Stam Uitgevers [1997-2003]. Hoofdredacteur en co-auteur. jaarboeken van elk 500-600 pagina’s, opgesteld met 50-60 auteurs, over aandachtsgebieden in de wereld van IT-beheer. Opgevolgd door de serie “ITSM Best Practices”.