USM: Unified Service Management

Because service management always includes the same activities, regardless of the scope in which these activities take place, Inform-IT uses a method that applies to all service domains: the Unified Service Management method (USM) that is managed by the SURVUZ Foundation.

USM is the last step in the evolution of service management methods:

  1.  What is USM? – USM is a universal methodical way of managing services. The USM method provides a standardized management system for a service organization to manage its people, its resources, its policies, and its services. Read more at the USM portal …
  2. Why USM? – The USM method helps the manager of a service organization to get in control of the service. It is not the daily work of that manager to develop such a structured approach. USM is the standard for this. Read more at the USM portal …
  3. For whom is USM intended? – USM can be used in all service organizations and teams. USM can be used in all disciplines, from ICT to healthcare, from building management to security, from telecom to government. Read more at the USM portal …
  4. How do you deploy USM? – If you want to apply the USM method you can choose from three approaches: [1] Do-it-yourself, [2] Light guidance with training, [3] A supported introduction coached by USM experts. Read more at the USM portal …
  5. What are USM’s deliverables?Output: The USM method provides a standardized management system for a service organization to manage its people, its resources, its policies, and its services. Outcome: With USM, the organization quickly and cheaply gets in control of its policies, creating order and peace, and space for the utilization of the creative potential of employees. Read more at the USM portal …
  6. Where does USM come from? – USM arose from developments in the provision of information (ICT). In that ICT domain conditions existed that had to lead to a thorough control of the (facility) services. Read more at the USM portal …
  7. What makes USM special? – The USM method does not work from practices (examples of what others did), but starts at the basis with clear principles. That makes USM learnable. USM is methodical, and therefore universally applicable. Read more at the USM portal …

Inform-IT works from the idea that value creation should be core. The USM deployment method is therefore based on a step-by-step improvement by the own organization, with some light coaching by Inform-IT at most. This USM approach leads to the most effective result at the lowest cost, because the organization learns how to use the method with its own people: a 100% investment in their own employees, no expensive consultancy projects.

Inform-IT is accredited as a USM Deployment Partner, a USM Training Partner and a USM Product Partner, and can deploy certified USM experts (coaches, product specialists, and trainers).


Inform-IT offers various USM training courses. For all training courses or USM support questions, complete the application form or contact Inform-IT.