When I got together with a few other enthusiastic guys, back in 1993, I did not expect that ITIMF-NL (as it was named in the early days) was going to be as successful as it has been for many years.

I also did not expect it would be one of the first to go under. But that’s how it goes. Some projects develop into healthy, prosperous elements of our (IT) society, some lose track and don’t make it.

ITSMF-NL was launched at November 25th, 1993, at 15:00 hrs, in Zeist, the Netherlands. Four user organizations were represented in its first Board: GAK (Lex Hendriks, chair), Min. of Internal Affairs (Harrie Renting, treasurer), Rabofacet (Foppe Vogd, general affairs), and PTT Telecom (yours truly, secretary).  In its early days it outgrew the first ITIMF, based in the UK, having its finest moments in the nineties, with huge 3-day events where we had to yell ‘sold out’ when we reached 1.000 attendees.

ITSMF-NL focused on ITIL, as almost all ITSMF chapters tended to do, but brought many other interesting lessons of the Dutch industry to the stage. It also didn’t hesitate to invite experts from other countries to join the party and share their ideas, as many may remember. And wasn’t it a Dutch event where the IT Skeptic made his first public appearance? At least in Europe – I’m sure.

Anyway. It’s over now. We’ll remember the good times and close the book. And we’ll continue with new ones – as always.